Monday, December 3, 2007

The Danger of Pluralism

Chuck Colson recently spoke of the dangers involved in holding a pluralistic worldview. He was speaking those who hold the position that all paths lead to God.

The danger?

Look at Islam for example. Here we have a religion who worships a god that has no tolerance for teddy bears. Teddy bears cannot be named after their premier prophet, yet it is okay to place a crucifix in a jar of urine and call it art. They claim that their god and the Judeo-Christian God are one in the same.

Christians need to start speaking out against this very loudly and boldly, otherwise the politically-correct types of the atheistic and romantic persuasion are going to take America back to the pre-dawn days of France. You know, the time where religion was considered evil and created a vacuum and lead that country into the bloody days of the French Revolution.

Why do I equate this to civil war you ask? It is very simple. If one religion is labeled as murderous, intolerant, and evil, and then all religions are then looked upon as worshipping the same god, then all religions are going to be looked upon as being murderous, intolerant, and evil. The net result will be an attempt to link Christianity with violence and terrorism.

Some would say that Christianity has a checkered past regarding the Crusades, 30 Years War, etc. I argue that those who fought and killed in the name of Christ were not true Christians. In those cases, there is a clear pattern of self-serving pride and a lust for power that those rulers exhibited. No, they were not Christians, but were merely tyrants...despots. True Christians live in accordance to God's laws - love Him, love your neighbor. Does this mean Christians must display pacifistic tendencies all the time? No. Part of loving our neighbor includes defending them when they are attacked.

I digress though. This notion of multicultural tolerance being pounded into the heads of publicly schooled children is the result of a nation worshipping at the feet of the god of "felt needs." This worldview demands that everybody accepts everybody else so as to build up their self esteem. This includes not differentiating on the issue of religion. Otherwise a difference of opinion might hurt somebody's feelings.

Here is my theological interpretation of that thought - TTTHHHHPPPHHHTT!

Christians, stand up for your faith and deliever the truth in love while holding your ground firmly. Do not give in to the politically correct sissies who attempt to make themselves gods by creating their utopia here on earth.

It just ain't gonna happen.

Barry Wright

1 comment: said...

Rejecting illegal Mexicans because they are Mexican is racist.

Rejecting illegal Mexicans because they are illegal is reason.

Liberals confuse the two.

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