Thursday, November 15, 2007


Confused about the new property tax plans coming out of the statehouse? You aren't alone. The new Indiana Property Tax Repeal Alliance denounced Governor Daniel's and Senator Luke Kenley's property tax plans on November 17th. The Alliance vows to return trust, thrift, and transparency to government by; abolishing property taxes permanently through a constitutional amendment, setting a state spending cap, eliminating all assessors, and allowing voters to decide by referendum school building and other local government building projects.

The Governor's Plan is shortsighted because, without a state spending cap, the out-of-control local school spending by local school money managers could continue by the new state money managers. The Governor's Plan projects a 33% decrease in property taxes, and is meager according to some Lake and Marion County residents who saw 300% increases.

Senator Luke Kenley's Plan, has MAJOR FLAWS per the Alliance, in that the Harvard lawyer living in a big house in Noblesville doesn't think we are smart enough to vote in a referendum on school building projects, the biggest reason for the huge property tax increases! School administrators and teachers unions LOVE people like Mr. Kenley. He helps line their pockets. Kenley's Plan projects a 50% reduction in property taxes. But, Kenley must of skipped Logic 101 in school. Kenley's Plan focuses on raising sales and income taxes, with no state spending cap, and no % cap on property taxes. Bart Peterson raised income taxes in Marion County and voters kicked him out on election day.

The slogan for the Indiana Property Tax Repeal Alliance is "NO MORE TAX BAND-AIDS." You can learn more about the Alliance by going

Billie Whitted

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only plan that will work is to eliminate property tax altogether.