Sunday, January 20, 2008

America's 2nd Muslim Congressman will be from Indiana

INDIANA — Andre Carson, grandson of the late Congresswoman Julia Carson, is favored to win the March 11 congressional election. The special election was called after the elder Carson's untimely death. The younger Carson would be the second Muslim to serve in the US Congress. [source]

Carson told journalist Ruth Holladay that he frequently attends the Nur-Allah Islamic Center in Indianapolis and was influenced as a teen by Malcom X and Nation of Islam (NOI) members. While he claims he is not a member of the Nation of Islam, the group's leader, Louis Farrakhan, spoke at the elder Carson's funeral in December.

Acceptable racism

From it's racialist perspective, the National of Islam can be understood as the black counterpart to the white Christian Identity Movement (CIM). Both embrace nationalist racial fervor and harbor intolerant views of other races. Both favor racial separation and anti-semitism is a common theme in both groups.

The difference is that the NOI is typically accepted as a valued alternative cultural component while the CIM is universally condemned. An example is David Shaheed of Marion Superior Court (Indianapolis). He is not only a practicing Muslim, but serves as an Imam. The racialist views of Shaheed's religion are seldom questioned. Imagine, however, the furor that would arise if a Superior Court judge were a minister of the Christian Identity Movement. Or image the media frenzy if a Christian Identity Movement minister were a welcomed speaker at a white congressional leader's funeral. Shaheed, by the way, is Carson's father-in-law.

What are the chances?

Carson's victory on March 11 can best be described as "inevitable."

Carson's district, Indiana's 7th, has been drawn to isolate Democrats in their own political ghetto. It encompasses much of Indianapolis. Outer areas of the city are attached to surrounding Republican strongholds. The district has been written off by Republicans who dutifully run token candidates. The GOP's sacrificial lamb for this election is State Rep. Jon Elrod. Note Elrod's views on Medicaid and Social Security by clicking on his site below.

Carson currently serves as a councilman on the Indianapolis City-County Council.

View Carson's Web site here ►
View Elrod's Web site here ►
View Christian Identity Web site here ►
View Nation of Islam Web site here ►

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am voting for the Libertarian Sean Shepard.

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